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Living with life-threatening food allergies presents a specific set of challenges for the sufferers and their primary care givers. What is safe food? Where to look for help if it’s needed? What to do for yet another birthday party invitation knowing that it may accentuate the feeling of “otherness” for your child who cannot eat the majority of foods on offer? What about family and social dynamics, how does that change once embarking on an oral immunotherapy journey, e.g. the Microbiome Diversification Protocol with Allergen in Australia (a program coined by Immunity Group Australia).

Achieving food freedom: from impossible to possible

Embarking on an oral immunotherapy journey can significantly impact family dynamics. While it offers the promise of increased tolerance or even desensitisation, it also comes with its own set of challenges, including the potential for reactions (especially if set protocols are not followed), or increased stress. Navigating these changes requires open communication, understanding, and a strong support system.

Tips, strategies and individual experiences across different age groups

On Sunday, 25 August 2024, Rocket Food Allergy Mums from Australia will speak about their family’s individual food freedom journey using evidence-based protocols developed by Dr Douglas Jones MD from the US. These protocols have led over 4,000 families to food freedom, including more than 100 Australians (including through their local implementation via Immunity Group Australia’s network of specialists). From tackling school and sports to juggling multiple kids with food allergies, these moms will offer valuable insights and practical tips. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with other families and ask your burning questions about OIT – MDPA in Dr Jones’s international protocol, and general food allergy life management strategies before, during and after program graduation.

Zoom link: 25 August 2024 (Sunday), 10am Sydney time

Meeting ID: 883 4582 5771

Passcode: 456224

Disclaimer: The content provided by Immunity Group Australia including through our webinar and podcast channels is for educational reference only and does not replace the advice of a healthcare professional. For personalised medical advice, always consult a qualified health care professional if you have any health-related queries arising from this information.